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The second Russian Olympiad of wine schools


Structure of commands is: from 3 to 5 people, including the master of school, graduates of school of different years and, at least one "junior". As "junior" could act the pupil of school who is trained now, or its graduate with the experience of work not more than 3 months.


1-st stage. Written theoretical examination.
Each command receives the list from 30 questions with a variant of answers. On preparation is given one hour. All command takes part in discussion of questions.

2-st stage. The practical task
One of participants of a command make decantation of wine of the category selected by organizers and also gives the full comment in its occasion. Members of a command can consult among themselves, and then master gives the answer.


3-rd stage. Final tasting
The description and identification of wines and strong alcohol drinks "blindly". Members of a command taste 4 samples, exchange opinions, then the master gives the final comment.






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